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5 Best Essential Oils for Kids

By Jodi Cohen

A joyful young girl with a big smile enjoying a swing ride on a sunny day, surrounded by blossoming trees.

Kids are amazing in their ability to know what works for them.  For that reason, they make the best essential oil consumers.  They know what they want and they know when it’s working. Essential Oils for kids help them feel better about the daily tasks and challenges that they face.

I cannot tell you how many of my friends and clients email me to tell me that their child won’t leave for school without a bottle of our Calm™ blend in their pockets or beg for a healing bath with our oils at night.

They intuitively know that the oils calm them, make them feel better and help them relax and focus.


Essential Oils for Kids

Calm™ – My hands down favorite for kids.  It helps them relax, center and shift out of a temper tantrum or stressful state.  I make my kids smell it when they are struggling with homework or fighting with each other and it instantly shifts the energy.  I love rubbing it on their feet, adding it to a healing bath or putting a drop or two on their pillow before bedtime.  You can also rub it around the small intestine to help alleviate constipation and the anxiety that sometimes accompanies it.


Lavender™– The best all-around blend.  Lavender has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, making it great for everything.  It supports general relaxation, mental function, heals burns and other “ouchies” on the skin, including sun burns and insect bites and even lice prevention.  Just be sure to dilute with a tablespoon of coconut or olive oil before applying to your child’s skin.  A few drops diluted on the forehead can help nip a fever in the bud.  It is my personal favorite to add to a healing bath! It is one of the few blends I never leave home without!


Lemon™ – Amazing for concentration and cleaning.  Lemon is actually my go-to oil of choice for kids with attention issues.  It helps them focus and calm immediately. It also has some truly amazing cleaning properties, like removing Sharpie pen from everything!  As the mother of a Sharpie pen artist, I speak from personal experience!  It also can be used as a household cleaner, or to help disinfect on the go.  It can help purify the air and is a great choice to add a few drops to paint to help reduce off gassing.


Orange™ – This is my son’s personal favorite!  Like Lemon and other citrus oils, it helps with relaxation and concentration.  When he is sick, it is all he wants to smell perhaps because of its sedative and anti-inflammatory properties.  It also helps to alleviate anxiety, anger and depression and can be used after sports practice to relax muscle or relieve spasms.


Parasympathetic® – My favorite health hack in a bottle.  I don’t know about you, but my kids are busy.  It can be challenging to get them to sit in a rest and digest parasympathetic state during the entire meal.  So I cheat.  I apply a drop of our parasympathetic blend on the vagus nerve (behind the earlobe on the mastoid bone) to trigger the optimal parasympathetic digestive cascade so that my kids are able to digest, absorb and assimilate all the nutrients in their food.  It also works great to calm me down during meals or other stressful parenting moments.  As an added bonus, it is a terrific go-to for constipation issues as elimination is a parasympathetic event.



I hope this list helps you pick the best oils for you and your family!  Please feel free to leave a comment below or share with anyone in your life who might benefit!



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Jodi Cohen

Jodi Sternoff Cohen is the founder of Vibrant Blue Oils. An author, speaker, nutritional therapist, and a leading international authority on essential oils, Jodi has helped over 50,000 individuals support their health with essential oils.