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Resilience is the Key to Health

By Jodi Cohen

Contemplating the horizon: a silhouette of a woman against the vibrant sunset, gazing into the golden sky over calm waters.

In order to heal from any kind of health challenge – including a shift in weight energy or focus – you need to make changes.

You might need to change your diet, or your exercise and movement habits or your sleep patterns.  You will likely need to break old habits, like eating sugar gluten or dairy, and create new habits, like taking supplements or increasing exercise.

In order to make and maintain these changes, you need resilience!

Change is hard.

There are days when you don’t feel like eating vegetables or going to the gym or even getting out of bed.

On those hard days, it is your resilience that carries you through.  That overrides the desire to press the snooze button until noon or indulge in that cookie.

A practitioner friend who works with thousands of patients recently shared that primary indicator of success with her clients is there openness to enhance their resilience.  Those who participate in resilience boosting mindset programs consistently see better lasting results.

In a world where there are very few sure things, resilience seems to be a sure thing.

Even better, it is something you can learn for yourself and teach your children and other loved ones.


How Does Resilience Support Your Health?

As I have been interviewing health experts for my upcoming Resilience Roadmap summit, a critical pattern has emerged.  Every single one of them has validated that lasting health changes require resilience.

In fact, Grain Brain author Dr. David Perlmutter said this phenomena was the basis for his second book, Brain Wash.  The man who literally wrote the book on diet said that you cannot start patients with dietary changes, because if they lack the resilience to shop for and prepare nutrient dense whole food, you are literally setting them up to fail.  You need to start by building their resilience so they can actually succeed in changing their diet.

Functional Neurologists Dr. Robert Melillo echoed the same sentiment, noting that he actually incorporates the Resilience Scale as part of his intake process and it helps determine how to pace the healing process.

While Resilience is often perceived as a quality that is only necessary in the face of severe adversity, trauma or challenge, it turns out that this capacity to prepare for, recover from and adapt in the face of every day stressors, including those required to shift and sustain your health.

What’s more, resilience is not something you are born with, but something that can be taught.

It is my intention to both unpack the foundations that contribute to resilience and make them more accessible to you, beginning today with mindset.


What is Mindset?

mindset is a belief that orients the way we handle situations—the way we sort out what is going on and what we should do. Our mindsets help us spot opportunities, but they can also trap us in self-defeating cycles, according to Psychology Today.

Mindset could also be categorized as your collection of thoughts and beliefs that affect how you think, what you feel, and what you do.

In other words, your mindset determines whether you choose to give up or push through when things get hard. 

Those who are able to push through see better results than those that give up.

The ability to push through does not reflect strength or character.  It is a simple decision.

You simply need to decide is this the hill I am going to die on or not.  If not, then you need to find a way through.  Which means you need to be open to brainstorming options for making it through that you might not yet be aware.

Every time I was faced with a new challenge or learned a new vocabulary word –  like “residential treatment facility” when my ex-husband needed to be hospitalized for depression, or “vehicular homicide”  when the police officer called to notify me of the car accident that killed my son by stating  “I am investigating a vehicular homicide,” were his exact words – I had to decide that if this was not going to kill me, I would need to learn new words, new skills and new strategies to navigate this new challenge.

That is mindset.

Recognizing that you have no idea how to navigate the road ahead and choosing to figure out it instead or turning back or abandoning your mission.

If you are willing to step into the new, unfamiliar and potentially challenging territory of the shifts required to support your vibrant health and life, I will do my best to guide you.

I am working on a roadmap with my upcoming Resilience Roadmap Summit, but for today, all you need to do is commit to that first step.

Whatever challenge you are facing at this exact moment in time – it can be a health issue, like wanting to drop a bit of weight or improve energy and focus, calm anxiety, , make that phone call you’ve been avoiding.  Whatever it is pick something.

Once you know what issue, you want to address, pick a small manageable step to help you get there.  For example, if you want to lose a few pounds, commit to eating a cup of vegetables today at the start of your lunch or dinner or schedule time on your calendar to take a walk or take a nap if you need it.

If there is a problem you are struggling with where the next manageable step isn’t clear, ask for help.  Brainstorm who in your life might know more about this and reach out to ask them.

As a starting point to help support and enhance your resilience, consider apply the Parasympathetic® blend.

The parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system shifts you out of the “fight or flight” response and allows you to feel safe so you can access your reasoning capacity and from a stable and clear mental and emotional space.

When you activate your parasympathetic nervous system, your mind and body relax, allowing for easier navigation through challenges and resistances at their onset.  This, in turn, reduces the production of stress hormones and allows for happy and healing hormones to be produced which boosts resilience.  It is also helpful and effective to use as “prep” before engaging in potentially stressful situations.

To trigger the parasympathetic state, simply apply a drop of the Parasympathetic® blend to the vagus nerve (behind the earlobe on the mastoid bone) before meals to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system “rest-and-digest” state.

If this blog inspired you or terrified you, please let me know.  I am curious what this stirs up in you so that I might better support you in this journey going forward.

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Jodi Cohen

Jodi Sternoff Cohen is the founder of Vibrant Blue Oils. An author, speaker, nutritional therapist, and a leading international authority on essential oils, Jodi has helped over 50,000 individuals support their health with essential oils.