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Essential Oils to Help Balance Hormones and Emotions

By Jodi Cohen

A child enjoying a piggyback ride from a sibling or friend in a sun-drenched field at golden hour, basking in the warmth and joy of a carefree moment.

My daughter is 10 and I can’t tell you how often I get “warned” about the emotional rollercoaster that awaits me during her pre-teen and teenage years.

I got a small taste of it yesterday during a play date (aka “hang time” as my socially conscious daughter now prefers to call it) with one of her friends who is already well into early puberty.  As I watched the drama unfold, I found myself wondering if any of my Essential Oils to help balance emotions blends might help balance the big emotions I was witnessing.

I personally believe that the body often craves what it needs, which is why we might crave chocolate when we need magnesium or a hamburger when we need iron.  Building on that theory, I believe that if the body needs an oil blend, that blend will smell good to the person.  So I set out the following blends which I believe help to balance hormones and emotions:


Essential Oils to Help Balance Emotions

Liver Support™ – the liver often stores emotions, especially those unpleasant ones like rage and frustration.  This blend is designed to help support the gentle release of those emotions.

Gall Bladder Flow™ – When bile is viscous and not flowing, both toxins and emotions can get stored and reabsorbed into the system.  When bile begins to flow, sometimes emotions move out as well.

PMS™ – This blend contains a lot of rose geranium and other good oils to help balance hormones and the emotions that go with them.

Rose™ – Some days our kids can really struggle with a lack of joy.  A little rose oil  rubbed over the heart will help them feel better about life.

Uplift™ – This blend can really help lift your mood when you are feeling “off” and your mood needs a little lift.

Lavender™ – The ultimate for balancing hormones, mood and emotions.

My daughter’s friend chose the liver support, which we applied to the liver, and within minutes the drama died down and evil pre-teen monster morphed back into the kind, sweet hearted girl we have known since kindergarten.

I received a thank you text from her mother this morning as the oil seems to be helping to maintain the calm in her household as well.  For what it’s worth, the liver support seems to help me and my adrenally fatigued, pre-menopausal friends balance moods as well.



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About The Author

Jodi Cohen

Jodi Sternoff Cohen is the founder of Vibrant Blue Oils. An author, speaker, nutritional therapist, and a leading international authority on essential oils, Jodi has helped over 50,000 individuals support their health with essential oils.