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Essential Oils for Nerve Repair

By Jodi Cohen

A woman with her hair in a bun is seen from the back, wearing a white tank top and clutching her neck with one hand and her lower back with the other. Red highlights indicate pain in her neck and lower back areas. The background is gray.

I received the following testimonial about Nerve Repair blend this week:

“Very happy customer!

Hello I’m contacting you because I ordered the “nerve repair” oil and I am just extremely happy and also pleasantly surprised with how it’s working. I suffered an injury a couple years ago and it’s been really hard, only been doing acupuncture for the pain because any medication will deter the nerves from healing itself, and I’m really thankful I came across your nerve repair blend.  I feel so much better that I’m actually a little emotional. I wanted to let you know your stuff really works!”


How Essential Oils Reduce Pain

Essential oils may help reduce pain and inflammation.

2010 study from Louisiana State University found that essential oils lowered pain levels in 93% of the patients within 30 minutes of topical application.

Essential oils are in many ways and ideal natural remedy for nerve damage and pain as they possess:

  1. Analgesic qualities that help dull  and relieve pain, relax muscles, reduce inflammation and calm your nerves when topically applied.
  2. Anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation that could put pressure on the nerves, triggering a pain response and
  3. Antimicrobial properties which can help treat underlying infections that contribute to neuropathy.

The chemical composition of essential oils – super small and fat soluble – allows them to bind to and inhibit prostaglandin synthesis (the process that creates/signals pain and inflammation). This is the same channel by which nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) work.  This might be one reason that essential oils consistently test as effective as over-the-counter pain medications and pharmacological and clinical studies have demonstrated the profile of essential oil compounds as drug candidates.

There is also some evidence that the chemical constituents of essential oils may help modulate your perception and experience of pain.

Your experience of pain is triggered by pain receptors – a group of sensory neurons with specialized nerve endings in your skin, deep tissues, like muscles and joints, and most of your organs – which send a message via nerve fibers to your spinal cord and brain stem and then onto your brain where the sensation of pain is registered and pain is perceived.

For example, smelling essential oils – through your olfactory channel – can also help modulate the perception of pain.


The Smell Pathway for Pain

Your sense of smell is directly connected with your perception of pain.

When you inhale essential oils, the odor molecules travel to the part of the limbic system known as the amygdala.  Your amygdala is both an important mediator for pain reception and the part of your brain most often linked to the emotional aspects of olfaction perception.

Pain is a perceived signal that is either passed on through descending pain pathways with an associated emotional response or modulated, which can calm pain perception.  Research shows that “pain may result from signaling disturbances in the amygdala. Therefore, it has been suggested that the amygdala may serve as a “hot spot” in supraspinal descending pain control, switching on and off chronic pain.”

Olfactory stimulation can directly activate your amygdala and modulate the perception of chronic pain processing pathways. “This direct connection may be important for survival due to the urgency of interrupting pain reception and danger signals,” according to Sarah A. LoBisco, ND in her Townsend Letter article Olfaction’s Complex Connections of Emotions, Memory, and Pain Perception.

“It has been shown that corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) upregulated in the limbic structures is associated with neuropathic pain as well as mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression. This is likely to be independent of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis stimulation. Therefore, olfaction could potentially impact central pain response through modulation of physiological feedback.”


Essential Oils for Nerve Repair

Nerve Repair™ helps repair damaged nerves, relieve pain, stimulate circulation, ease inflammation and assists in the regeneration and repair new cells.   It is a great pain reliever and helps in healing and repairing connective tissue that has been damaged.

Formulated from organic and/or wild crafted essential oils known for relieving pain and repairing and regenerating damaged nerves cells and connective tissue, including:


Known nerve tonic, Basil may help repair nerves and connective tissue.

Basil essential oil is characterized by its analgesic, antidepressant, antispasmodic and balancing properties.  Deemed a divine plant by Hindus in India, basil is a significant ingredient in the treatments used to combat nerve pain and nerve damage.

In a research study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, basil oil was concluded as being particularly helpful in reducing nerve damage symptoms and increasing nerve receptivity. Simultaneously beneficial in calming nerve pain and offering stimulation to nerves, it is regularly used to treat skin conditions, indigestion, stress levels, blood circulation issues, respiratory problems and certain infections. It also helps repair connective tissue.


Helichrysum helps to heal and regenerate nerves. It is highly useful for helping repair connective tissue. It is excellent to use in your treatment of peripheral neuropathy, shingles, and even hearing damage caused by nerves.

Renowned for its pain relieving properties and ability to accelerate healing, Helichrysum helps to strengthen the nervous system, relieving nerve pain while regenerating and healing damaged nerves. Known for its antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and mild sedative properties, Helichrysum has been used historically as a treatment for muscle spasms, decreasing nerve pain, helping repair connective tissue and reducing swelling and inflammation both inside and outside the body. Applying Helichrysum oil directly to an injury may reduce muscle pain and prevent bruising.

The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology found that the pain-relieving power of helichrysum work by reducing inflammatory enzymes and reducing swelling.  As it helps rebuild cells, it may be beneficial in nerve regeneration following injury or in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy, shingles, nerve pain related to burns and even hearing damage caused by nerves. We sell Helichrysum as both a single oil and as part of our Nerve Repair™ blend. As we only work with the highest quality oil from Corsica, our single oil is a very expensive oil.


Possesses analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties that relieve aches, pain and inflammation as well as calm the spasms that cause muscle cramps, making it an ideal natural treatment for nerve pain.  In fact, a 2002  study attributed Peppermint oil’s dramatic analgesic influence to the relief of neuropathic pain in a 76-year old woman.

Peppermint contains menthol, a cooling phenol that has powerful pain-blocking, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic properties. Menthol naturally warms the skin and muscles to improve circulation in the area of numbness or discomfort.  This improved blood circulation stimulates the nerves and helps to heal damaged and injured nerves.  Although other mints have a cooling analgesic affect, peppermint has by far the highest concentration. Peppermint can be purchased as both a single oil or as part of the Nerve Repair™ blend.

Sweet Marjoram 

Long known to be a pain reliever, marjoram has traditionally been a go to for muscle aches and pains or other generalized soreness. The essential oil works as an arterial vasodilator, meaning that it helps dilate blood vessels.

Research found that topical application of marjoram oil offered analgesic benefits and pain relief.


To aid with any pain or nerve damage, apply 2 -3 drops of Nerve Repair™ onto the area where the nerves have been damaged 2- 3 times daily or as needed.  You can also apply a cold compress and relax for at least 15 minutes. Massage on the shoulders, neck, across the forehead for  nervous stress and tension.


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About The Author

Jodi Cohen

Jodi Sternoff Cohen is the founder of Vibrant Blue Oils. An author, speaker, nutritional therapist, and a leading international authority on essential oils, Jodi has helped over 50,000 individuals support their health with essential oils.